We'd like to think everyone washes their hands but studies have shown that's just not the case. The CDC says only 31% of men and 65% of women wash their hands after using the restroom. (Oct 2018) They also think only 5% of us are washing our hands long enough to kill germs.
But washing your hands after using the restroom isn't enough- what about before preparing food? After blowing your nose? If you are not using hand sanitizer, you should be washing your hands.
Washing hands is the #1 way to stop the spread of germs and viruses! Click here for your reminder on how to properly clean your hands. Feel free to print and place them in all of your office restrooms!
Call AMS for a quote on how we can help keep your entire office clean and germ free! AMS can also supply hand cleaners, hand towels and other supplies needed around your office. Call today 815-547-7952