Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Cleaning For Pest Control

If you just tried to smash your screen...I am sorry. I know- It's small, but scary. Just imaging 300 or so of his brothers and sisters joining him in your cafeteria, for lunch...with you.
Spring is a great time to STOP THE INVASION.

The most common pest problem in America- ants. The best thing to do is keep counters and floors clear of food. Keep kitchen surfaces wiped down and take the trash out frequently. You can also mix a 50/50 solution of water and vinegar to repel them. Spray door and window frames and wherever you've seen them lingering. Anything strong smelling will work- lavender, garlic.

Spiders like dark places to hide. Reduce clutter where you can. Try not to store things in boxes- use plastic containers with sealing lids instead. Spiders can enter through cracks in the walls and gaps in windows and doors. Seal those cracks and crevices!

The warmer temps and humidity make spring the best environment for roaches! Be sure to check under appliances for signs of an infestation. The warmth of your computer tower can also make a great home. For prevention, vacuum and clean these areas regularly. Be sure leaky pipes and faucets are repaired. Empty trash receptacles frequently and keep kitchen surfaces wiped down. Roaches are nocturnal and generally like to move in darkness. Beware- if you see them scurrying across your counter or floor during the day, you probably have an infestation.

AMS Advanced Maintenance Service ensures your building is clean to best prevent any pest problem.  Call us today for a quote! 815-547-7952 or email