Thursday, February 6, 2020

No, you don't have to hide from germs. You just have to be diligent!

The flu rears its ugly head every year, tormenting us into spring. Thousands will be hospitalized and/or die every year from flu-related complications. It is important to be prepared and take steps to clean and disinfect properly to keep everyone safe and healthy throughout the flu season.
Regular hand washing. Germs thrive on your hands- You can have up to 50,000 bacteria per square inch of your hands! Let’s fix that. Post reminders in restrooms, cafeterias and kitchens about the importance of proper hand washing. You can download this one to use.  When water is not available- use hand sanitizer!
Disinfect high-touch surfaces and objects regularly. The office telephones, door handles, keyboards, light switches. Viruses and bacteria can remain on hard surfaces for up to 18 hours. Use disinfectants to clean high-touch surfaces often.
It is also important to use cleaning chemicals and disinfectants the correct way. Always read the labels and follow the instruction for use and dilution (if needed). Be sure to have an SDS on hand in case of accidents. The easy way to deal with all of this would be to call AMS. We can do the cleaning for you!